Coastal Refugia NPS
coastal refugia
On Thursday, October 15, 2020, the NE CASC, research partners and NPS leaders met via Zoom to discuss current coastal and marine refugia research projects, what is missing and/or lacking to further investigate and create a plan for future projects to come.
The agenda for the meeting was as follows:
12:00 PM-12:15 PM Introductions and updates from your organization on climate change adaptation for coastal systems
12:15 PM-12:30 PM Presentation from Andres Mendoza
12:30 PM-1:00 PM Discussion on coastal refugia - what data / action is missing, what would you like to see accomplished, what can be done?
Some primary takeaways from the meeting were:
What is the appropriate scale of focus for climate change refugia mapping of coastal/marine resources? Some ideas:
Micro vs Macro? (all dependent on the project)
Focus on one species that will encompass many resources
Focus on a small area vs large one
Hierarchy approach, Holly Plaisted's work.
Three tier system, Tier 1: Low resolution aerial mapping, Tier 2: Higher resolution, on the ground (boat) collection every 2-3 years; Tier 3: High resolution, permanent points in the water.
Expand to include resources and researchers from a variety of organizations
Not just the National Park Service
Build upon resources already available
Collection and sharing of available resources, data, published works
relevant publications
Anthony, K.R.N., Maynard, J.A., Diaz-Pulido, G., Mumby, P.J., Marshall, P.A., Cao, L., Hoegh-Guldberg, O., 2011. Ocean acidification and warming will lower coral reef resilience. Global Change Biology 17, 1798–1808.
Ashcroft, M. B. (2010). Identifying refugia from climate change. Journal of biogeography, 37(8), 1407-1413.
Banha, T.N.S., Capel, K.C.C., Kitahara, M.V., Francini-Filho, R.B., Francini, C.L.B., Sumida, P.Y.G., Mies, M., 2020. Low coral mortality during the most intense bleaching event ever recorded in subtropical Southwestern Atlantic reefs. Coral Reefs 39, 515–521.
Bronselaer, B., Zanna, L., 2020. Heat and carbon coupling reveals ocean warming due to circulation changes. Nature 584, 227–233.. doi:10.1038/s41586-020-2573-5
Byrne, R.H., Mecking, S., Feely, R.A., Liu, X., 2010. Direct observations of basin-wide acidification of the North Pacific Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters 37, n/a–n/a.. doi:10.1029/2009gl040999
Caldeira, K., 2013. Coral 'refugia' amid heating seas. Nature Climate Change 3, 444–445.. doi:10.1038/nclimate1888
Carlton, S.J., Jacobson, S.K., 2013. Climate change and coastal environmental risk perceptions in Florida. Journal of Environmental Management 130, 32–39.. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.08.038
Cooley, S., Kite-Powell, H., Doney, S., 2009. Ocean Acidification’s Potential to Alter Global Marine Ecosystem Services. Oceanography 22, 172–181.. doi:10.5670/oceanog.2009.106
Cummins, P.F., Masson, D., 2014. Climatic variability and trends in the surface waters of coastal British Columbia. Progress In Oceanography 120, 279–290.. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2013.10.002
Doblin, M.A., Van Sebille, E., 2016. Drift in ocean currents impacts intergenerational microbial exposure to temperature. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, 5700–5705.. doi:10.1073/pnas.152109311
Gopalakrishnan, T., Hasan, M., Haque, A., Jayasinghe, S., Kumar, L., 2019. Sustainability of Coastal Agriculture under Climate Change. Sustainability 11, 7200.. doi:10.3390/su11247200
Harley, C.D.G., Randall Hughes, A., Hultgren, K.M., Miner, B.G., Sorte, C.J.B., Thornber, C.S., Rodriguez, L.F., Tomanek, L., Williams, S.L., 2006. The impacts of climate change in coastal marine systems. Ecology Letters 9, 228–241.. doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2005.00871.
Keppel, G., Kavousi, J., 2015. Effective climate change refugia for coral reefs. Global Change Biology 21, 2829–2830.. doi:10.1111/gcb.12936
Mclaughlin, B.C., Ackerly, D.D., Klos, P.Z., Natali, J., Dawson, T.E., Thompson, S.E., 2017. Hydrologic refugia, plants, and climate change. Global Change Biology 23, 2941–2961.. doi:10.1111/gcb.13629
Michaelidis, B., Ouzounis, C., Paleras, A., Pörtner, H., 2005. Effects of long-term moderate hypercapnia on acid-base balance and growth rate in marine mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 293, 109–118.. doi:10.3354/meps293109
Simas, T., Nunes, J.P., Ferreira, J.G., 2001. Effects of global climate change on coastal salt marshes. Ecological Modelling 139, 1–15.. doi:10.1016/s0304-3800(01)00226-5
Whitney, C.K., Conger, T., Ban, N.C., Mcphie, R., 2020. Synthesizing and communicating climate change impacts to inform coastal adaptation planning. FACETS 5, 704–737.. doi:10.1139/facets-2019-0027
Wittmann, A.C., Pörtner, H.-O., 2013. Sensitivities of extant animal taxa to ocean acidification. Nature Climate Change 3, 995–1001.. doi:10.1038/nclimate1982